Saturday, August 31, 2019

Meeting the patient’s spiritual needs

Rebecca Brown is a 35 year old mother with a gynecological cancer and currently undergoing treatment for a year now. However, her medical condition is not improving and causing alarm to her physicians and family. She is now at the end-of-life care by nurses and doctors in a hospital. In addressing her special needs, the hospital placed Rebecca under Hospice Care. Hospice care treats the person rather than the disease; it highlights quality rather than length of life. It provides family-centered care involving the patient and family in making decisions. (ACS, 2007,  ¶2). It is a philosophy that enables patients to spend their remaining days with dignity surrounded by their loved ones. Hospice treatment creates an environment where the patient is listened to and that the people around him are ready to share his concerns. One of the elements of this innovative medication is spiritual care. Evidence shows that patient facing serious illness would shift attention from biomedical to spiritual sources for answer and comfort. At this stage, they would ask spiritual questions and reflect the meaning of life. Dying patients generally voiced out their fear of uncontrolled pain, concern of being a financial burden to the family, anxiety of what happens after death, and worry of not being able to fix some unfinished business. Realizing all these necessities, hospitals are now integrating spiritual care services for early intervention. Spiritual Care Spiritual Care tries to answer a patient’s quest for the meaning and purpose of life, his feelings of isolation, and his interconnectedness with himself, to others and to God. It fulfills specific needs of the patient to give him strength when facing death and uncertainties. In meeting the spiritual needs of Mrs. Brown, we have shown her compassion by being attentive to her fears, hopes, pain, and dreams. We treated her as a whole person including her physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. Providing spiritual care can help Mrs. Brown cope up with her inabilities and feel close to God giving her optimism. With this support, Mrs. Brown can make sense out of her illness, acknowledge that death is near, and maintain a positive outlook. More often we grant her wish for a priest who is readily available to help in counseling and answering spiritual questions. We maintain our trustworthiness and kindness with Mrs. Brown at the same time give her inspirations by helping her understand what it means to live. We have enriched our knowledge with the Catholic faith to comprehend her spiritual needs. As a result, we have permitted Mrs. Brown to visit the chapel inside the hospital whenever she wants to, let her friends and loved ones pray with her inside her room, and attend Sunday masses where she can receive communion. In addition, she reads the Bible before sleeping at night; write her spiritual journal, and at times request for religious movies. We continue to care for her even though there is no more curative therapy available. Spiritual Assessment Spiritual assessment is essential so that medical staff may understand the religious practices of patients and be able to respect their beliefs and not impose their own religion. In this way, physicians can formulate proper strategies to enhance positive response from the patients during diagnosis and treatment. In assessing Mrs. Brown, we simply asked her a series of open-ended questions relating to her Catholic faith and the practices or rituals that are important to her. Our informal interview would revolve around the topics like death and the afterlife, her prayer life (what does she pray for), does her faith give her hope, does she feel abandoned by God, does she find comfort in her belief amidst her illness, the need to be forgiven, was she a member of religious organization within the community, what gives meaning and purpose to her life, and her personal beliefs. The information we gathered helped us determine the kind of spiritual care service we would give her. Results and Benefits. In its 1996 meeting, 90% of the American Academy of Family Physicians declared that the spiritual beliefs of patients are helpful in their medical treatment. Several studies and surveys have already shown the many benefits of spirituality in healing. The National Institute for Healthcare Research reported that those who regularly attend religious activities live longer. According to the 1998 Research in Spirituality and Health Coping, prayer is the number one non-drug method in managing pain. These findings can now be seen in Mrs. Brown’s case. After giving her spiritual care, Mrs. Brown showed signs of reduced anxiety, depression, and distress. She does not feel lonely anymore as she is constantly surrounded by her family and caring nurses. She adjusted well to follow-up treatment of her cancer and has now the confidence of enjoying life. In addition, she somehow improved her physical condition exhibiting high levels of self-respect and less worries about her health. She also demonstrated stronger coping mechanisms and personal values giving her quality of life that she now enjoys. After going through all sorts of counseling, Mrs. Brown is now capable of forgiving and be forgiven. This feeling, she said, resolved all her guilt and restored her good relationships with those she had disagreements in the past. Because of her faith, Mrs. Brown is now ready to face her final day and is very much prepared to the uncertainties she may encounter. She has already accepted her fate wherever it may lead her to. Her seven children and loving husband are likewise prepared for the event that they may not see her again. Her love grew stronger each passing day and felt the presence of God in her bedside. Despite in the worst situation, she feels good about herself. Reference (ACS) American Cancer Society, Inc. (2007). What Is Hospice Care? Making Treatment Decisions. Retrieved January 28, 2007, from Gilbert, R. B. (2001). Health Care & Spirituality: Listening, Assessing, Caring (Death, Value and Meaning). Baywood Publishing Company, New York. ISBN-10: 0895032503 University of Virginia. (2006). The Benefits of Spiritual Care Provided by Professional Chaplains. Health System. Chaplaincy Services and Pastoral Education. Retrieved January 28, 2007, from            

Friday, August 30, 2019


A time to live, a time to die†¦ Whose choice is it? Euthanasia is a topic that is rarely covered in the news. The moral ramifications of killing someone, even for the sake of mercy, seems too heavy of a topic for in depth discussion. No one wants to think about the day they will die, however when someone becomes terminally ill it can soon become their only thought. When pain and suffering enter this scenario, the option of ending a life more quickly may also enter the thought process. According to Life and Hope Network â€Å"9% of all deaths inAmerica are caused by Euthanasia† 1 We are given the gift of life at birth. I believe Euthanasia is a violation of the most precious gift we are given†¦ Life As stated by the Hospice foundation of America â€Å"Hospitals (Hospice) stands for [guest house. ] Hospice is a special type of care for patients who are not able to be cured. This loving act usually comes in the patient's finals days when they have been sent home from t he hospital and are waiting for their day to come. Hospice makes their patients feel comfortable and tries to ease their pain as much as possible.The providers also re there for their families to comfort them before and after their loved ones death. â€Å"2 With health care facilities caring for the sick and terminally ill patients, there are many options to choose from for a less painful way to pass than ending a life by Euthanasia. Someone once asked if using Euthanasia on animals was the same as using it on humans saying quote â€Å"If we use Euthanasia to put animals out of their pain and misery why is that not the same as helping Grandma by not letting her suffer anymore? 3 Animals and humans are vastly different. The main thing that sets unmans apart is the fact that they have a soul, whereas animals do not. Ending the life of a human because they no longer see a reason to live is a horrible alternative to seeking available pain management. Human life is sacred and should no t be terminated simply because life becomes hard. Often questions arise in situations like these such as†¦ † In old age do we as humans still have a life worth living? † Ecclesiastic 7:17 in the Bible says â€Å"†¦ Why should you die before your time? The Lord has a plan for everyone's life and when someone takes their life or someone else's before their time, they have disobeyed God's commands. The United States has learned a great deal about the dangers of Euthanasia and has created laws after hearing about cases such as Terry Shiva, Terry had a cardiac- respiratory arrest at 26, her doctors said it was caused by â€Å"lack of oxygen to the brain. † Terry was put on a feeding tube for more than 15 years and later passed away due lack of nourishment. When the court ordered the physicians to remove her feeding tube, she died 13 days later. Another case where Euthanasia was used to end an innocent life was Baby Doe, an infant baby boy who was born with D own syndrome and a hole in his throat. His parents decided that living a life like that would be unfair to him as he grew, so they asked his physician to remove his breathing tube. 6 One more scenario would be Nancy Curran, a person who was injured from an automobile accident and was left brain dead. Nanny's parent removed her feeding tube saying â€Å"This is what Nancy would have wanted. † That case led to the debate about families choosing life or death for individuals in a vegetative state.Nancy did not have a living will, so her parents made the suggestion of death fully on the basis of their own thinking. They weighed the question of whether Nancy loud have wanted to stay alive in such a state as she was or if she would have preferred to be taken off of her feeding tube. Dry. Jack Sovereign, better known as â€Å"Dry. Death,† was a man who fully supported Dry. Assisted suicide. Jack had assisted dozens of suicides and was willing to show news reporters his  "death machine† on the spot. He had been on trial many times for murder.Every time he won, with the statement â€Å"terminally ill patients should decide how and when they wish to die. † That statement left families on edge and very upset that there was no stopping this awful act. He later passed at the age of 83 dying of kidney failure. Jack, as are each of us, was promised by God that he will be face to face with Him. 2 Corinthians 5:10 declares, â€Å"For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. † The Bible states â€Å"Do not murder† In Exodus 20:13.It also says in Matthew 12:37 â€Å"For by your words you will be Justified, and by your words you will be condemned. † According to the Bible murder is murder. Manmade laws however do not always count all forms of assisted death as murder. That presents the questions. † Is there diffe rence between allowing someone to ask another to shoot them with a weapon or asking them to give them a shot of a deathly drug? If it is illegal to murder someone by suffocating them with a pillow, how is that different from someone asking another to suffocate them with a pillow? Although Euthanasia has varying opinions due to different situations, it is still Biblically, morally and logically wrong. The Lord tells us that we are not promised a tomorrow, but we will face Him on judgment day. We should therefore strive to obey His commands by not partaking in any form of murder, whether legal or not. It may be a difficult decision whether to stay in a hospital and receive care or to go home and have hospice come in to make the terminally ill person feel at ease. Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, â€Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your son†¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] gives me everything† (1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he Antigone Antigens is about a princess, Antigens, who buries her brother after he and her other brother fought each other to death. As a result, King Croon wants to punish/kill Antigens for this while still him remembering that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there Is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love Is lacking.The one Is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't inning, he ruled by love, but when he became king, his love lacked and ruled by pride and power. The quotation by Carl Jung relates to Croon one way by how Croon, before he was king, ruled by love. This ruling by love was evident when Croon raised Oedipus' four kids, He was a father to them and took care of them. Whenever he could, he would settle things as If he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he became king. An example of Screen's fairness to them was since both of Oedipus' sons were both next in line to be king, Croon made a deal with them which was that the sons take turns with each other being the king for a year. Croon had his own blood- related son, Hammond, who in a scene argues with Croon, â€Å"Antigens is as much your daughter as I am your son†¦ You, to your own son, are seeking to take away what I love most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91 p What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Antidote as a daughter. Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love and not by will power.Another way how Carl Junk's quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon became king, his love lacked, and ruled by power and pride. Whenever King Croon learned of Antigens being the one who buried her brother, his pride and power louder his judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] gives me everything† (1. 2. 81-94). The referenced ph rase from the play Antigens, is an example of Screen's Judgment being clouded thinking that it was an act of anarchy and treason so she had to be punished/killed.Croon let pride decide the fate of Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was just to set on the idea that since he is king, than she must be punished and killed. The pride and power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and Instead of ruling by love, he ruled by power. In conclusion, that quote by Carl Jung perfectly relates to King Croon. One way that Croon, before blinded by power and pride, ruled by love rather than will power.The quote also relates to when Croon became king, pride power clouded his Judgment, and ruled by power, instead of ruling by love. By Trinitarian that he had raised her. Due to the brothers fighting to death, a place to be king opened up for Croon to become the new king. The quote, â€Å"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other,† is by Carl Jung. The quotation relates to how when Croon wasn't kids. He was a father to them and took care of them.Whenever he could, he would settle things as if he were their father, by love, and was fair to them before he most without reason† (1. 3. 8-91)? What Hammond was meaning was that Croon loves Another way how Carl Jung quote relates to King Croon is by how when Croon clouded his Judgment. â€Å"girl guilty of treason. Breaking the given laws†¦ [your death] Antigens. He didn't care if Hammond and Antigens were engaged, he was Just to set on power that King Croon had clouded his Judgment and instead of ruling by love, he antigone

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Management Control Systems at Air India Essay

1. Introduction Air India, a national carrier is characterized with an urge to excel and enthusiasm started its operations on October 15, 1932. The merger of Air India and Indian, the country’s leader in the domestic sector, has helped the airline in emerging as a major force in the airline industry. 1.1 Domestic Operations On the domestic front, Air India operates to 47 stations, and 17 are connected to international destinations. The 172-seater Airbus A321 aircraft connects all major metros. The Regional operations provide coverage to all the metros and many smaller cities across the nation. 1.2 Services Apart from the basic services that an airline provides, Air India also offers – Frequent Flyer Programme- â€Å"Flying Returns†. Members of the Flying Returns Programme (FRP), can accrue mileage points while flying on Air India, Lufthansa and flights of Air India’s code share partners, and redeem them for award tickets or avail other facilities available with the service provider on Air India or Lufthansa. Star Alliance – Air India has joined Star Alliance in mid 2010. Star Alliance, is a leading global airline alliance of 21 top international carriers. Air India passes the benefits to its passengers by becoming a member like seamless transfers while travelling across the world, more frequent flyer mileage points, code-sharing leading to a wider choice of flights and access to lounge facilities worldwide. The Star Alliance network offers more than 17,000 daily flights to 916 destinations in 160 countries. Air India Express – Air India’s international budget airline, Air India Express, was launched in April 2005. Air India Express operates 200 weekly flights on its network between 17 Indian and 14 international stations. 2. Organization Structure 2.1 Current Structure Source: 2.2 Outgrowing the traditional model For airlines, the functional organizational model has worked well for decades. It helps by promoting deep technical expertise and economies of scale by grouping specialists together and focusing accountability for the direction and efficiency of all divisions on one person: the chief executive. Peripheral businesses and small customer segments got less attention from management, however, the mainstream passenger business received most of the attention. This functional model has been the best choice for some aviation groups, mainly those that outsource most of the support functions (such as catering and maintenance), lack the sophisticated information systems needed to manage more complex structures, or serve only a few homogeneous customer segments Yet many other carriers, like railroad and oil companies before them, have surpassed the traditional model. The rise of low-cost carriers is changing the nature of competition in the industry by letting some traditional airlines to expand into businesses that offer higher margins or require less capital than their core passenger operations. Functionally organized airlines often lack the flexibility to meet the varied needs of a diverse customer base—a problem that inhibits their ability to grow in ancillary businesses and in the fast-expanding market for budget travel. As the managers in a functional organization (with the exception of the CEO), aren’t responsible for profitability, costs can easily mismanaged. Moreover, labor agreements that cut across several parts of a company can lead to higher wages and benefits. This is because everyone from baggage handlers to the catering staff receives some of the same perks as the cockpit crew gets. To counter those shortcomings, aviation groups should analyze and take a hard look at the idea of implementing a new form of organization structured around separate business units, each with broad decision-making authority and responsibility for its own profitability. Such a decentralized structure resembles the classic business unit model of many diversified companies, retailers and banks, where individual units operate independently on a day-to-day basis and set their own strategic direction. For airlines, however, this structure must differ in one significant way: units operating as stand-alone businesses would quickly destroy the network value that comes, for example, from coordinating interconnecting flight schedules, efficiently allocating aircraft across a number of routes, and using the fare structure to maximize revenue throughout a large network. Airlines thus need a hybrid structure that reaps the benefits of independent business units while maintaining strong links among them. 3. Management Style And Culture 3.1 Attitude towards employees Air India is committed to provide its Employees a stable work environment with a scope of encouragement towards creativity and innovation to provide opportunity for learning and personal growth which helps the employees in improving their effectiveness. Above all, Employees are provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Air India customer. The management has created a culture where employees are treated as the valuable asset for the company. 3.2 Decision-making process * The procedure followed in decision making involves discussions among cross-section of departments and/or formal decisions by the Competent Authority on office notes in accordance with the Instrument of delegation of Financial and Administrative powers. * In respect of decision making on day to day basis at airports/stations, all the Duty Officers/Station Managers take spot decisions in accordance with the Instrument of delegation of Financial and Administrative powers and the established practices. * Decision making is by worker/management committees. * Employees are encouraged to be responsible and are given authority to make decisions. 3.3 Focus of Air India 1. Focus on relationships among the employees is the fundamental driver of leadership, culture, strategy, and coordination at Air India which allows them to coordinate more effectively across all functions. 2. Air India’s organizational competency is its ability to build and sustain relationships characterized by the following- * Shared goals: * Motivates individuals to move beyond what is best for their own narrow area of responsibility within their own function. * Motivates them to act in the best interests of the overall process of the organization and lessens competition between different functions within the organization * Shared knowledge: * Shared knowledge is about how the tasks of one person or group are related to all other tasks. * This enables the workforce to be more competent, efficient and coordinated than their competitors * Mutual respect: * Encourages all employees to value the contributions of their colleagues * Encourages all employees to consider the impact of their actions on others * Reinforces the tendency to act in the best interests of the overall work process 3.4 Credibility & Caring-Key to Air India’s Culture * At Air India, credibility and caring are the two critical ingredients of effective leadership. * Credibility and caring are the ability to inspire trust and the ability to inspire in employees the belief that their leaders care deeply about their well-being. * The top management team has gained the complete trust of managers in the field, and of frontline employees, by being forthright and consistent in their messages to employees. 3.5 Role of Supervisors * Air India supervisors are not obstacles to coordination among frontline employees, but play a valuable role in strengthening coordination through day-to-day coaching, counseling, and participation in frontline work, even baggage handling. * Supervisors go far beyond measuring performance and disciplining and focus on problem solving, advising, and providing support, encouragement, and recognition to individual subordinates. * Supervisors view their subordinates as internal customers who deserve help in doing their jobs better. 3.6 Role of Relational Competence * Teamwork at Air India is based on â€Å"relational competence†- the ability to relate effectively with others. * Relational competence is a critical ingredient of organizational success, though it tends to be undervalued in the world of work. * Other organizations usually underestimate the importance of relational competence, especially when it comes to people who perform highly skilled jobs. * Often excellent performers are hired, but they cannot integrate their work effectively with the work of others which results in undermining of the organization’s goals, which does not happen at Air India. 3.7 Official Language Implementation With respect to the internal culture of the company it continued to promote Hindi as official language. Various competitions like easy writing, debate, and quiz were organized during Hindi Pakhwara. In order to monitor progressive use of Hindi in the office, 57 Official Language Implementation Committees were constituted and meetings of these committees were held regularly. In order to facilitate officers/ employees in doing their official work in Hindi, seven Hindi Workshop training programmes were organized. NACIL’s In-house Magazine â€Å"Vimanika† was awarded second prize in the In-House Magazine Competition organized by Ministry Of Home Affairs, Department of Official Language. NACIL was conferred 2nd prize by a well known literary, Socio-cultural organization ‘Aashirwad’ for outstanding Hindi implementation in the category of Public Sector Undertakings (Large) of Government of India Mumbai. 4. Control Process of Air India The company has extensive internal control system which ensures optimal utilization and protection of resources, IT security, accurate reporting of financial transaction and compliance with applicable laws and regulations and internal policies and procedures. The internal control system is supplemented by extensive internal audit, regular reviews by management and well documented policies and guidelines to ensure reliability of financial and other records to prepare financial statements and other data. 4.1 Steps taken for effective control process/system in the organization * Air India has set up a special vigilance department headed by a vigilance officer whose main function is to initiate steps to curb corruption and malpractices in the organization. The prime functions to achieve this are as below: * Investigation of complaints against all categories of employees / travel agencies / handling agencies. * Monitor progress of action recommended by Vigilance against such employees. * Study and examine Systems & Procedures followed in various departments, identify corruption prone areas and suggest remedial measures to minimize scope for corruption or malpractices. * Organise, conduct surprise checks in sensitive & corruption prone areas. * Maintain Surveillance on employees of doubtful integrity * Ensure speedy processing of vigilance cases at all stages. * Ensure that there is no delay in the appointment of the Inquiring Officer, and that no tactics are adopted by the accused officer. These are few of the functions of the vigilance department to have proper check on instances pertaining to demand and acceptance of a BRIBE in any form or kind for providing any service. * SITA, to provide new Passenger Services System SITA, the aviation IT specialist, has been selected to provide Passenger Services System (PSS) to Air India on a turnkey basis. SITA’s Horizon platform provides PSS services to 140 airlines and will be used to deliver a single airline code in order to allow the seamless integration of Air India with Indian Airlines (as these two were merged under NACIL). SITA will also implement an efficient online booking engine, departure control system, and check-in and automated boarding control, baggage reconciliation system (BRS) and a frequent flyer programme. The booking engine will provide Air India full control over its own ticket distribution and drastically reduce costs.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Management - Essay Example And, of course, they have an advantage in that they are known for offering the lowest prices around. Although a very successful corporation, Walmart does have some weaknesses and challenges. One weakness is that because they have expanded into so many different areas they may lose out to competitors who are more narrowly focused and specialized. They also only have a presence in relatively few countries in addition to the U.S. Yet the fact that Walmart doesn’t have a dominant presence in other countries means that the opportunity to obtain a larger presence in these countries still exists. So even though Walmart is large, there are still opportunities for expansion. One threat to Walmart is that being number one means that you always have a target on your back, so to speak. There will always be competition and price wars with Walmart both locally and globally., for example, poses a threat to Walmart because they are known for having the lowest prices around as well. Also, the gap that Walmart used to have on low-cost manufacturing is closing and other stores are now able to manufacture for less as well (, 2010). After researching these sources the best strategy for Walmart in the future is to continue to be the low-cost and low-price leader and continue to expand globally. They should also continue to form strategic alliances locally and internationally as they have done so with companies like Stanley Works and America Online (Walmart,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Benefits of Lawn to the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benefits of Lawn to the Environment - Essay Example A lawn refers to an area of land planted with grasses or other durable plants that are maintained at a short height. The lawns are mainly used for recreational and aesthetic purposes. The common characteristics of a lawn are that it consists only of grass species, it is subject to pest and weed control, and it is regularly cut to maintain required length. The Americans love lawn due to aesthetics, psychology, and economics reasons. The paper explains the benefits that lawns have on the environment, which raises the need of promoting lawns. Apart from the aesthetic and psychological purposes, the lawn also has beneficial functions including promotion of safety and health. Grass can act as a firebreak in some areas thus prevents wildfires from spreading. Therefore, lawns are important to the environment because they prevent the occurrence of wildfires thus ensuring that there is no loss of biodiversity. The turf grass is useful in reducing pollution of the environment by trapping some pollutants and pollens that lead to the development of allergies. â€Å"Even before scientists discovered that turf can trap some pollutants and pollens that cause allergies, Walt Whitman called grass the handkerchief of the Lord† (Bormann et al., 9). The green plants can act as reservoirs of clean air that leads to the creation of healthy environments. The lawns are also useful in performing ecological functions that help to conserve the environment.

The Epistles to the Corinthians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Epistles to the Corinthians - Essay Example Although Paul is considered to have been one of the most accessible of early church figures, he has nevertheless proven difficult to identify in terms of who he was as a man.   Attempting to define Paul, author Victor Paul Furnish (1994) identifies two Pauls, one identified in his relation within the church and one identified in his historical context.   Within the church, he is determined to be the apostle for the Gentiles as Colossians highlights his function as a missionary to them and as Ephesians grants them equal status with the Jews as beneficiaries of the promises of Christ (Beker, 1991: Chs. 3 & 4).   Historically, there is evidence that Paul was a Pharisee prior to embarking upon his missionary work, but this provides less information than one might otherwise assume (Saldarini, 1988).   â€Å"Precisely as a Jew, and subsequently as a Jewish Christian, he [Paul] was also very much a man of the Hellenistic age: apparently trained in the subjects that constituted the lower and middle levels of Hellenistic education, clearly at home among the socially elite of urban society, both willing and able to engage the religious and intellectual concerns of the non-Jewish world† (Furnish, 1994: 11).   Combining these two viewpoints, Furnish indicates that Paul was a man of tremendous but practical conviction.   He had a firm grasp on his faith and beliefs, but was cognizant of the need to adapt the message to suit the needs of the audience.   He consistently placed his orations on the level of his opinion or interpretation.

Monday, August 26, 2019

HREEOC (Case Study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HREEOC (Case Study) - Essay Example The last held position was supervising teller. As the company requires teller, here the past experience of her can be neglected as it was not completely comprises of supervising tellers. Jake worked for part time in a fast food centre and completed his accountancy certification. This proves his dedication to his study and the nature of the work he prefers. As he was proved enthusiastic in the pre employment testing it is advisable to hire Jake instead of Mary. The employment law or case law does not hold for this type of cases and these types of rejections does not fall under EEOC practices. Pre-hire testing is considered as an effective risk management tool that has been proven to significantly improve productivity. Despite the widespread use of pre-employment testing, anxiety continues to surround the use of these tests due to legal issues, which are largely complicated and difficult to understand. Care should be taken in avoiding the adverse impact. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is "unlawful for an employer to refuse to hire any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his . . . employment, because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." With regards to pre-employment testing, Section 703(h) of the Act provides that "notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, it shall not be an unlawful practice for an employer . . . to give and to act upon the results of any professionally developed ability test provided that such test . . . is not designed, intended or used to discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin." Obviously, Title VII does not prohibit employers from the use of intelligence, skills or integrity tests in the workplace. There has not been a single case that found an employer's use of personality testing in the workplace resulted in the adverse impact of protected groups. As this case of Mary and Jake comes under the test of integrity and not under other cases, it cannot be considered under any of the criteria mentioned under the law which covers personality testing and brings legal tangles to employers. The employer can be free to select Jake avoiding the presence of se ntence stained Mary. 3. What would be the implications of either decision The consequences that are supposed to arise can be categorized into two types after the recruitment. 1. The sequences those are due to the work culture of the person recruited. 2. Possible legal tangles due to suing of the company by the rejected candidate, when he/she feels that he/she was rejected in unjustifiable manner. In the first case of consequences it is easy to suspect or predict that if Mary was recruited the embezzlement may take place even in this organization. As it is a bank and the misappropriation that takes place will leave a stain on its reputation. One cannot stand guarantee for a sentenced and bankrupted personality, that too when he/she was sentenced for willfully committed cheating or fraud. The same fraudulent practices cannot be ruled out if Mary was recruited. In the case of Jake as he was a fresher the company may think about his experience. But the specialization in accountancy makes him different from Jake and gives him an advantage

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Memo - Assignment Example Eileen whether there were other changes in the company, and only insisted on replacing Mr. Hagar as the only change. O’Connor promised to honor Mr. Hagar’s quote and showed interest and cooperation in doing business with our company. Comparing the previous terms of Miller Computing and after the changes, the terms and costs remain the same with the only difference being replacement of Mr. Hagar. Based on our discussion with the new representative, I strongly believe that Olantunji is in a better position to build stronger relationship with Miller computing. I believe that with representation of Eileen O’Connor, Miller Computing, LLC is still in a position to provide the best response to Olantunji Manufacturing. Their prices remain same as well as timing, providing Olantunji Manufacturing with sustainable efficiency and productivity and providing an avenue to manage costs according the organization’s

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How does Ethnomethodology differ from Symbolic Interactionism Essay

How does Ethnomethodology differ from Symbolic Interactionism - Essay Example The study starts with making sense of any object or activity. The Ethnomethodology has reflective and indexicality features in it. The response of the respondent is interpreted on the basis of his reflexive method. The ability to making sense out of any object or thing depends on the context of the object or thing too. The symbolic interaction explains the changing roles and role perception of an individual in the society. The symbolic interaction has three main things in it. The first is meaning, language and the last is thought. Individual tries to interpret the meaning through his thought process and works accordingly. Ethnomethodology tries to make sense out of things or activities. These study the underlying concepts and assumptions based on which that particular behaviour takes place. Both the studies have contributed in the development of a different thought flow and given food of thought to many researcher and academicians. The complex area of Sociology includes the questions of its beginning. Various societies tried to understand its society structures and social behaviours. In the past the drawbacks of studies or thoughts were analysing life with the help of magic and superstitions. These observations based on superstitions, magic and stars were inadequate. The subject required systematic research based on observations and research and development of theories to support the studies. In the middle of 19th century observers begin to use scientific theories and methods to test their ideas and support them scientifically. This started in Europe due to the Industrial Revolution and rapid change of the societal structure of Europe. It was a transition phase for European culture and society. Industrialisation, modernisation and urbanisation kind of phenomenon were taking place. The life, dependency of life on agriculture shifted. The strong structure of village and cities were getting replaced with Trade or ganisations and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management accounting - Essay Example However, with the right tools information and skills, a company is guaranteed to stay afloat in a world where businesses keep dropping out of the corporate world. How companies manage their finances and workforce dictates whether the company is bound to open its doors come the next financial year. One of the major concerns in management is the management of accounts which is usually handled a company’s accountants in conjunction with the management of the company. Management accounting specifically deals with generating information pertaining to a given company and basically relates on how to minimize costs while improving sales and boosting profits within the available company’s resources. In short this is information that helps the management to make crucial decisions. Financial accounting on the other hand deals with generating information based on information relayed by external users and mainly deals with control of cash inflow and outflow in the company. So why is management accounting so important? Among the most important reasons why management accounting is important to company include; 1) Planning-this basically deals with making decisions pertaining to the company’s products where and when to make them, who to sell them to, how much labor it will use and so on and so forth (Caplan, 5). 2) Operational Control-management helps the top officials in identifying and minimizing production error from the time a product is initiated for production to the time it is released to the market for sale. 3) Performance and Evaluation-this involves evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of different products and different managers within the company. When dealing with management of accounts two concepts become clear: Variable (Direct) costs and fixed production overhead costs

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Understanding Educational Research & Assessment Essay Example for Free

Understanding Educational Research Assessment Essay The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technology on achievement in the public school system. Using technology is not a new form of teaching in the school systems, but the question are how effective is technology in the classroom and does it really help in some academic subjects. A classroom teacher has to use different learning methods in order for the students to understand the concept being taught. Unfortunately, computers cannot teach some academic areas such as literacy skills, math skills, writing and reading skills. Using technology can enhance learning in the classroom by helping the teacher generate ideas to keep students motivated to do their work. Sharon Judge (2005); tested the connection between academic success among young African American children and their access to computers in their school and in their home. Her study focuses on 1,601 African American public school children who went to kindergarten and first grade. The results show that access to a home computer, computer areas within classrooms, child to computer ratios, software, and computers in schools were certainly correlated with academic achievement. In addition, constant use of software for literacy and math games were positively connected with academic success during kindergarten. High achievers that used software for literacy and math more often than both low and average achievers put together during kindergarten. Sharon Judge (2005) also examined the fast expansion of children access to computers and the internet in the United States is extraordinary. As of 2001, statistics say that about three-quarters of children between the ages of five and seven use computers at school, and fifty-six percent use computers at home. DeBell Chapman (2003). On the other hand, countless studies were written about the topic that showed that technology access and use in U. S.schools is a bit negative in schools serving Black, Hispanic, and low socio-economic status (SES) students who tend to have the lowest access to, and the most remedial usages of new technology (Becker, 2000; Dividing Lines, 2001; Wenglinsky, 1998). In addition, an important gap exists in home-computer ownership and Internet access between African American and white households (DeBell Chapman, 2003; Fairlie, 2002; Puma, Chapin, Pape, 2003; Solomon, 2002). Research Design/Methodology The purpose of this research is to determine how the influences of technology benefit the achievements in the public school system. The study methods will include information that was written in the region of study, the information will consist of several scholar articles and the influence of technology achievement in public schools. The research will include how technology usage in the classroom affects students and how technology improves the overall performance in the classroom. A scholar article is a professional paper written by a specialist in a given branch of knowledge. This data includes all the reviews of the scholar articles that were written by the specialist in a particular subject of information.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Third Set of Figures Essay Example for Free

Third Set of Figures Essay Participant Ds errors are the following: The first is with regard to the use of has or have: Mr. Browns have two sons. Second error pertains to the use of verb tenses wherein difference between past and present tenses are appears to be unknown to the participant: They’re call Tom and John; and Tom like reads in the holiday. Participant E has problems in terms of using conjunctions such as: Tom and John they are the twin brothers . In addition with this, there is also an error in terms of using articles: Tom he is a good student, he is a first in his class . Also, there is a problem in terms of the participants spelling: but he dent play ball. Finally, there is also a problem in terms of using punctuations such as the apostrophe: but he dont study, they are special. Participant Fs first problem is with regard to the use of the singular or plural use of auxilliary verbs: Tom and John is brother. Second, is the problem with regard to the use of prepositions such as: They are different have surface; and . Elder brother like study, but younger brother like play basketball†. The third set of figures is a phone conversation among two boys depicting a planned trip to a restaurant and a KTV bar (see Appendix 3 to view the instrument). Participant G: â€Å"At eight oclock , Sams friend calling him up to inviting him out . According to their plan . On the first ,they are going to sing at a KTV . then they going to eat a dinner at a fast food restaurant . They eat fast food ,such as hamburgers ,cola and fries. † Participant H: â€Å"Today morning, Sam’s friend call he go to play. Sam and his friend talk on the phone at a. m. 8:00. Sam said he want go to KTV sing and we can eat dinner in night. But his friend said not eat breakfast. So Sam propose to meet in BigMaclndex Then go to play†. Participant Gs first error could be seen on the proper use of verb tenses: friend calling him up to inviting him out; and They eat fast food . There are also problems in terms of their use of articles: then they going to eat a dinner . On the other hand hand, Participant H also have problems in terms of prepositions: Today morning and Sam and his friend talk on the phone . There are also problems in terms of using articles: Sam said he want go to KTV. There are also problems in terms of using proper verb tenses: So Sam propose to meet in BigMaclndex The fourth set of figures depicts a family composed of a mother, a father and a little boy who went out to eat in a pastry shop. After which, the boy went to a store called W. C. and his mother and father went to the supermarket. The final figure on the set depicts of how well the boy enjoyed his stay on a store called W. C. while his parents listen appears to be listening to his stories while carrying a bag of groceries. Participant I: â€Å"Last Friday, I with my parents want to the big shopping mall to go shopping . First , we bought some milk and read in the basement . then we took the elevator to the second floor . I went to w. c , my parents were wait outside . Finally we bought some fruit and vegetables and we were go home. â€Å" Participant J: â€Å"I went to supermarket with my Dad and Mom last Friday. Maybe was holiday supermarket crowd campany. I with my Dad and Mom choose my breakfast last Saturday. Mom bought two baker and one milk for me. I went to W. C. before away. Aftermost we bought a lot article then get home. † Participant Is errors are with regard to spelling: I with my parents want to the big shopping mall There are also problems in terms of capitalizations: First , we bought some milk and read in the basement   then we took the elevator to the second floor. Errors in terms of the use of linking verbs are seen: I went to w. c , my parents were wait outside. Finally, there are still errors in terms of the verb tenses: Finally we bought some fruit and vegetables and we were go home. Participant Js errors are on the lack of use of pronouns: Maybe was holiday supermarket crowd campany. Also there is a perceived problem in terms of using appropriate nouns for a sentence: Mom bought two baker and one milk for me.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

E Government Model Of Public Service Social Policy Essay

E Government Model Of Public Service Social Policy Essay E-Government model through ICT of public service delivery was started in South Africa first time, for the preferred as channel for citizen-centered service delivery. It means to provide quality services to the citizens of its country. In this paper we will study the role of E-government within developing country in the South Africa with the help of case study. First of all we will consider what is E-government? E-Government E-Government (short for electronic government, also known as digital government, online government or transformational government) is a diffused neologism used to refer to the use of information and communication technology to provide and improve government services, transactions and interactions with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. Delivery models and activities of e-Government The primary delivery models of e-Government can be divided into: Government-to-Citizen or Government-to-Customer (G2C) Government-to-Business (G2B) Government-to-Government (G2G) Government-to-Employees (G2E) Within each of these interaction domains, four kinds of activities take place: Pushing information over the Internet, e.g. regulatory services, general holidays, public hearing schedules, issue briefs, notifications, etc. Two-way communications between the agency and the citizen, a business, or another government agency. In this model, users can engage in dialogue with agencies and post problems, comments, or requests to the agency. Conducting transactions, e.g. lodging tax returns, applying for services and grants. These types of activities may be performed but not may be that all activities are performed by all the countries. Some have greater but some have less Primarily purpose of introducing this model is to direct access to the Government. So improve the efficiency of public services delivery in South Africa. This model is based on case study research, focused on one of the governments primary service delivery programmes social grants, as mentioned in case study. South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) was established as an extension of government delivery arm that administers the delivery of social grants to the poorest of the poor in South Africa. SASSAs Vision and mission is aligned with several Batho Pele principles. Batho Pele which literally means people first. Introduction of this Model Batho Pele Public Service Delivery in South Africa. Batho Pele is South Africas constitutionally mandated public service delivery philosophy. This model ensures that all the citizens can hold public servants accountable for the levels of service receive from government. The expected transformation in service delivery is better comprehended on the reflection that South Africa has only been a Democratic country since 1994. Here we look into background of this model. The path of service delivery transformation formally began in 1995 with the release of the White Paper on the Transformation of Public Service. The WPTPS established the institutional framework that could guide the introduction of new policies and the implementation of the new constitutional mandates. It was shortly followed in 1997 by the White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery, labeled as the Batho Pele White Paper. The Batho Pele White Paper specifically aimed at promoting integrated and seamless public service delivery. This was on the basis of the Batho Pele philosophy. Batho Pele advocates nine principles to guide public Servants; Consultation with citizens Setting service standards Increasing access to information Ensuring courtesy Providing information openness and Transparency redress and value for money. On the other hand South Africa, through its Center of Public Service Innovation (CPSI), places significant Importance to initiatives to transform governments way of working through ICT a notion commonly known as E-government / e-governance. E-Government E-Governance The terms e-government and e-governance are often used to describe a governments use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to render services to its citizens. There is a debate in research community about these two terms of E-government and E-governance. E-governance can be defined as the use of emerging information and communication technologies to facilitate the processes of government and public administration E-government can be defined as the use of Information technology to support government operations, engage citizens, and provide government services. In the definition of e-governance, we see that it focuses on the use of ICT to assist the administration and management of Government. On other hand in the definition of e-government we see that it focuses on the use of ICT to provide the services in the support of government operations for the public service delivery of people of that country. The dominant models for e-government find their roots in public management models and e-business models. While researchers of e government differ on the rights, privileges and obligations of clients, customers and Citizens. They generally concur that e-government move through stages to reach maturity. Notwithstanding, the successful initiatives are hard to come by. This realization led to the very important and underlying concern: are government ICT technological innovations adhering to the principles of people first, so to say, are the government ICT technological innovations enabling the improvement of service delivery in South Africa? This case study also tells us about the understanding by focusing on the government agency responsibilities for one of the key service delivery programs the South African Social Security Agency, SASSA. A case study of a government department, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), was adopted investigate the phenomenon of e-government will be studied in the context of Batho Pele. Since the each government service is measured against the same principles that are defined in Batho Pele. Applicability of this model can be drawn to other government units. In this case study the data was collected by different ways, through structured face-to-face and telephonic interviews with people involved in delivering an ICT system to the business units of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). Pros/Advantages/Merits of this Model Any thing is not perfect in this universe except God. So every model is having both characteristics of merits and demerits. Similarly here we are using the E-government model which was used in South Africa for public service delivery. We know that it is very poor country and not so developed. So many South Africans do not have direct approach to public services which are supplied by the Government as stated in the case study. Following may be the major advantages of this model. Equally distribution of services Batho Pele aims to distribute the services equally among the public. Not any differentiation on the basis of race, gender, citizen, distance etc. its mean that every one has right equally of public services . Access to information This model also explains that the citizen has easily access to the information about the Government performance and other activities so there may be accountability in such a manner. Quality services Access to information services empowers citizens and creates value for money, quality services. Reduction of Unnecessary expenditure. When there will be e-government so easily information available about every thing of government and government institution. It reduces unnecessary expenditure for the citizens. Questions that can generally be answered during the interview can revolve around what ICT initiatives are being used to increase the accessibility of the service or product and how accessible these initiatives are to communities who dont have the required ICT infrastructure. Providing information Availability of information with regards to products and services should Not only be at the service point, but should also strive to increase the availability of products and services to the public who are far away from those service points The main area of focus would be to increase the Availability of information to the public who are far away From service points. ICT is used as a business support tool, and since the business of government is to deliver a public Service, ICT supports public service. The implementers of these ICT services will thus be measured against the benchmarks of how well the public service was delivered. Thus we should have to carefully analyze the support of use of ICT within the government department or agency. This sensitivity would greatly influence the interpretation of the text collected during the interviews. Cost effective It is convenient and cost-effective for businesses, and the public benefits by getting easy access to the most current information available without having to spend time, energy and money to get it. E-government helps simplify processes and makes access to government information more easily accessible for public sector agencies and citizens. The anticipated benefits of e-government include efficiency, improved services, better accessibility of public services, and Transparency We see that due to use of this model transparency occurred. Due to the whole connected system through internet technology, every information is available for all. Accountability Study approved that due to E-government, there is greater accountability on each and every thing because all the information is available to every one. So public knows the activities of government. So there is a accountability on government by public and other institutions and citizens. Democratization Through e-government the greater citizen can participation upon political issues. They can connect themselves to politicians through internet. This model gives the more transparent government, allowing the voters to see the effect of their representatives. What they are doing and what they are not doing in right manner. Public can become more aware about the government activities and they can make best decision about their future. Speed, efficiency, and convenience E-government allows citizens to interact with computers to achieve objectives at any time and any location, and eliminates the necessity for physical travel to government agents sitting behind desks and windows. Improved accounting and record keeping can be noted through computerization, and information and forms can be easily accessed, equaling quicker processing time. Individuals with disabilities or conditions no longer have to be mobile to be active in government and can be in the comfort of their own homes. This model was accepted warmly, the young people who were not participating in political issues before but now they are too participating is national level issues due to e-government. Risks There are many considerations and potential implications of implementing and designing e-government, including disintermediation of the government and its citizens, impacts on economic, social, and political factors, vulnerability to cyber attacks, and disturbances to the status quo in these areas. Hyper-surveillance Increased contact between government and its citizens goes both ways. Once e-government begins to develop and become more sophisticated, citizens will be forced to interact electronically with the government on a larger scale. This could potentially lead to a lack of privacy for civilians as their government obtains more and more information on them. In a worse case scenario, with so much information being passed electronically between government and civilians, a totalitarian-like system could develop. When the government has easy access to countless information on its citizens, personal privacy is lost. Cost Although a prodigious amount of money has been spent on the development and implementation of e-government, some say it has yielded only a mediocre product. The outcomes and effects of trial Internet-based governments are often difficult to gauge or unsatisfactory. Lack of secrecy Although internet-based governmental programs have been criticized for lack of reliable privacy policies, studies have shown that people value prosecution of offenders over personal confidentiality. Ninety percent of United States adults approve of Internet tracking systems of criminals, and fifty-seven percent are willing to forgo some of their personal internet privacy if it leads to the prosecution of criminals or terrorists. Inaccessibility An e-government site that provides web access and support often does not offer the potential to reach many users including those who live in remote areas, are homebound, have low literacy levels, exist on poverty line incomes, suffer from chronic illness, and are single parents or older adults. False sense of transparency and accountability Opponents of e-government argue that online governmental transparency is dubious because it is maintained by the governments themselves. Information can be added or removed from the public eye (i.e. the Internet) with or without public notice. For example, after the World Trade Center in New York City was attacked on September 11, 2001, United States federal officials removed a large amount of government information from its websites in the name of national security. This act went relatively unnoticed by United States citizens. To this day, very few Conclusion In conclusion we see that this E-Government model of public service delivery is very important, adopted by government of South Africa. This model has advantages as well as disadvantages. This model has advantages of equally information provision, quality services, efficiency in public services delivery etc. but it has also some drawbacks such lack of secrecy, and so many other factors which may harmful for government through this system. The use of e-government as a service delivery enabler will definitely support governments service improvement philosophy of Batho Pele, thus putting people first. Now a days technology has become the every thing very easier, more informative, efficiency and cost effective. Through this model of ICT can put people first, but only if the use of ICT is supported by the underlying business processes. For e government to be effective, all e-government initiatives in South Africa should be integrated. E-government will only truly be effective if it is managed from a single portfolio in government, and not from silos within each government department. Many other countries have adopted this model such as United States. But level of applying this model may vary. It means some are applying higher level and some countries are applying less level of E-Government. In United States E-government model was used The United States Government under the Bush Administration has created a separate portfolio that manages the implementation of e-government. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is developing what it calls the Federal Enterprise Architecture that will manage the way in which the United States Government does business and particularly through the use of e-government (US Office of Management and Budget, 2007) slow progress in implementing a single portal for Government services. It is clear from the case study that South Africa needs a portfolio within its government that drives the implementation of e-government. This will include policy, legislation and implementation standards. This is where the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) also plays a role to smooth the progress of the use of ICT in Government. Components It consists of three components, namely: ICT Programme Management Government Chief Operations Officer and E-Government Architecture and Integration. The case study was focused on only one area of e-government within the public service of South Africa, namely the Department of Social Development and its service delivery component, the South African Social Security Agency. Similarly there is need to done this in the other departments of Government of public service delivery. Which are inefficient as compared to others? And ensure that the use of ICT is effective at all government departments. It is proposed that there is need to be studied at departments that come under the lack of service delivery similar studies should be done with Other departments to ensure that the use of ICT is effective at all government departments, such as the Department of Home Affairs (ID book and passport applications) Department of Transport (license applications and vehicle registrations) South African Revenue services (tax returns) References:- E-Government Public Service Delivery: Enabling ICT to put People First A Case Study from South Africa. By Wikus VISSER and Hossana TWINOMURINZI

A Comparison of The Chrysalids and 1984 :: comparison compare contrast essays

   A comparison of life in London, Air Strip One (or Great Britain) in the George Orwell novel '1984' and Waknuk, Canada in the John Wyndham novel 'The Chrysalids.' Waknuk is a society living after a nuclear attack. The people of Air Strip One (or Britain) in 1984 live in a dictatorship controlled by "The Party".      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Waknuck is an enclosed society similar to Victorian Britain. As people spend all their lives in the town or city they are born they can't experience different cultures and therefore have a lack of tolerance and understanding for differences in the lifestyles of these cultures. The lack of experience of different cultures is not the reason for a lack of a true understanding of these cultures in 1984. The people of London are effectively poisoned against such cultures by the Party and so have no reason to want to experience them.  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Waknuck is also based largely on Religion - it is a Christian society. Most of the prejudices are formed from the Bible. Any creature that is against "the true image of God" (or a mutant) is called a Blasphemy. The Christian religion (and indeed other religions) have been the source of numerous prejudices in modern society in Britain (for example sexism and homophobia) and indeed conflicts (for example the conflicts between the Republic and Northern Ireland). In the novel '1984' no-one follows a religion as such, as far as the people of Britain in 1984 are concerned there is no God, the complete opposite of the radical religious views of the people of Waknuk. Most people in Waknuk have been 'brainwashed' by Christianity in the same way many people in Great Britain in 1984 have been 'brainwashed' by the party and Big Brother. Each use repetitive slogans, in 1984 such slogans as: "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." are used and more subtly in Christianity in the form of prays and commandments. The Party and Christians each worship a figure, Big Brother and God respectively, neither people can be completely sure of   there presence but convince themselves that they exist nevertheless. The power lies with the Party in 1984 but lies with the church in Waknuk.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The people of Waknuk are unable to comprehend theories such as the Evolution Theory dispute finding fossils and other evidence that would conflict with Genesis.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Psychological Conflicts In Literature(2) :: essays research papers

Every story has a conflict. A conflict is a disagreement, which usually provides the plot for a story. The conflict is the basis for everything else included in the work of literature. Usually a person reads the story to see how a conflict is developed and then resolved. This essay, as already states, will be about psychological conflicts. In the epic tale, The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, there are many psychological conflicts involved that all weave together. The conflict I want to focus on, though, is the conflict between the character Boromir and his inner desire to use the Ring for the greater good of his kingdom, namely himself. At first glance, he seems a harmless man. But as the story progresses, so does his infatuation with the Ring. â€Å"†¦And Sam saw that while the others restrained themselves and did not stare at him, the eyes of Boromir followed Frodo intently, until he passed out of sight in the trees at the foot of Amon Hen.† Boromir was fighting his mind, deciding right then and there to seize the ring from Frodo. He followed Frodo and at the top of Amon Hen began to talk to him, taking on the guise of a friend. But suddenly he snatched for the Ring, failed in his attempt, and ultimately died valiantly defending Merry and Pippin, two other hobbits, from orcs. He redeemed himself a t the end, but the harm was already done. He had lost the battle with his conscious, and in doing so made the rest of the journey so much more difficult for the rest of the Fellowship. Another great example of a psychological conflict is in the story â€Å"Leiningen Versus the Ants† by Carl Stephenson. Leiningen’s Brazilian plantation was being attacked by a huge host of army ants. At first glance, the major conflict seems to be an environmental type, man pitted against his environment. But if you look deeper, you will find that the main conflict is between Leiningen and his pride-filled mind. He knew he was a smart man, and he thought that by using his intellect he would be able to keep the ants away. This quote is a good illustration of Leiningen’s pride, his ‘enormous intellect’. â€Å"Even here in this Brazilian wilderness, his brain had triumphed over every difficulty and danger it had so far encountered. First he had vanquished primal forces by cunning and organization, then he had enlisted the resources of modern science to increase miraculously the yield of his plantation.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Langston Hughes Essay examples -- essays research papers

The period of the Harlem Renaissance was a time of great change and exploration for African Americans . It was during this point in the early twentieth century that African Americans were exploring their cultural and social roots. With the rapid expansion of a cohesive black community in the area, it was only a matter of time before the finest minds in Black America converged to share their ideas and unleash their creative essences upon a country that had for so long silenced them. In the midst of this bohemian convergence, many notable figures arose who would give a new voice to African Americans. With such great notables as Countee Cullen, Jean Toomer, Zora Neale, and James Johnson, mainstream American now had a unique window into the plight of African Americans all over the country. One individual though stands out as one of the most prominent figures of the Harlem Renaissance. Langston Hughes defined himself by his ability to pursue the true essence of â€Å"black folk† a t a time when black identity, culture, or art was considered an oxymoronic concept. Hughes sought to explore the true identity of Black America even amidst criticism that his work was anti-assimilationist in its literary expression. Wallace Thurman, one of Hughes’ closest friends had this to say about the poet’s subject matter: â€Å"He went for inspiration and rhythms to those people who had been the least absorbed by the quagmire of American Kultur, and from them he undertook to select and preserve such autonomous racial values as were being rapidly eradicated in order to speed the Negro’s assimilation.† ( Bloom 161) To many black critics, including Thurman, the subjects of Langston Hughes’ poetry exposed an aspect of the black culture that, according to Countee Cullen threw wide, â€Å"every door of the racial entourage, to the wholesale gaze of the world at large (Bloom 152).† Hughes was a lover of his people and sought to explain and illuminate the Negro condition in America. He created works of literature that were distinctively Negro in their elements: Without repudiating the Americanness of the Afro American, he defined how a work of art by a black American can be Negro, the artist’s Americanness notwithstanding†¦..The black artist stands a good chance of capturing the Negro soul if he looks for his material not among the â€Å"self-styled â€Å"hi-class† Negroes,† but among â€Å"the low down folks†, the ... ...gston Hughes manifested itself in â€Å"The Weary Blues†. Hughes wrote the poem to be played to music and it was performed with an accompaniment of jazz in the background. The flow of the poem is in tune to a blues beat. It incorporates the slow mellow mood of the blues and its easy free flow of thought. The poem captures the essence of sadness and melancholy that is attributed to the blues. Hughes writes about observing a piano player as he plays the sweet blues in the night: â€Å"He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool Sweet blues! Coming from a black man’s soul. O Blues!†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Norton 1733) â€Å"The Weary Blues† captures an important element of the black identity, that of its music and the soul which is put into its expression. The poem captures that soul of the black man as he wails a mellow tune to the beat of a blues rhythm. Langston Hughes established himself as the poet laureate of Harlem. He served as the voice of the downtrodden, as well the elite in black culture. The criticism that he once received is now praise as his influence is manifested in the affirmation of the black identity.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

He can see those eyes, those beautiful blue eyes stained with blood and evil – Creative Writing

Sweating, He awoke from this nightmare. Breathing in frantic, panicked breaths. He often woke up like this. Always the same nightmare. No matter how he tried he could never get back to sleep. Those eyes he saw, they haunted him, no matter how he hated to admit it, they completely controlled his life. Ever since that night three years ago when his life was ripped to pieces†¦ just like his parents. He'd grown up in a small town called Raggs on the east coast of Germany with his Mother, Father and twin sister. To their neighbours and friends, they were a normal family, but He knew different, he knew of his father brutality and abuse towards his sister and mother. His sister would come into his room late at night, covered in bruises and shaking. She hated their father; she'd always talk about how she wished he was dead, that one day she was the one who'd kill him. That she'd kill our mother too for not protecting them, for letting him beat her. He always agreed. He thought they were just words that helped her release the pain inside herself. Until he saw it. He was walking home from football practice late at night, it was cold and there was a heavy fog. His friends had all gone home before him and he was alone. He walked as fast as he could; these streets were dangerous after 8pm. It was cloudy and the moon was hardly visible. There was something wrong about that night. It was too quiet. As he approached his front door, he could smell an awful scent, it reeked of blood. He rushed inside, the smell was overwhelming, he felt faint. All the lights were off, but he could tell someone was home, the house always smelt of fresh flowers, his mother loved flowers. It was too odd. He heard a shuffling noise in the back room, almost as though someone was dragging something. He tiptoed along the hallway, trying to be as quiet as he could, feeling along the cold walls to keep himself from tripping up. He felt something wet on his fingers; in the dim light it looked black on his fingertips. It was blood. Now that his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he could see it. Blood everywhere, all over the carpet and the walls, drag marks going into every room. His heart was thumping inside his chest, his throat was dry. What had happened? Had his father gone mad? Was there a murderer in the house? What had happened to his sister? His mother? He crept into the back room, holding his breath, what would he do if they noticed him? He didn't know how to fight. He scanned the room with his strained eyes; the curtains were pulled; only a little moonlight lit the room. There was someone sitting there, on the sofa. Staring at him, so it seemed, though he couldn't see the persons face. The mysterious stranger stood up and started walking towards him, he could feel himself hyperventilating. From the silhouette, the stranger seemed quite short, about his height with a feminine figure and short hair. â€Å"I told you I'd do it, Ien.† The stranger whispered, getting closer. That voice. It was familiar, soft and girly, but it sounded wrong. It was too harsh sounding. Too menacing. The light filtered in through the gap in the curtains. His eyes were drawn to the figures on the floor around his feet. A stifled scream escaped his lips as he realised who they were. It was his mother and father; they were white as snow, apart from the blood painted on their skin. He looked back up at the stranger, tears spilling from his eyes. His green eyes met deep blue ones staring back at him. He knew those eyes. He knew that same green cross-shaped scar that he himself wore under his left eye. It was his sister. They weren't their real parents, but they'd adopted them when they were 6 and treated them with nothing but love and affection, until the beating started. But it was a family, and that was more than enough for Ien. He couldn't remember much of his real parents, his mother died in childbirth and his father was violent. But he couldn't remember how he got this scar, and why Lena had it too. It was a strange scar, his was a cross, like you get at a gravestone, it was tinted blue and stained under his left eye. Lena had the same, but hers was upside down, and green. It would be logical if they were born with them, but they weren't. He couldn't even remember where his dad went. Neither could Lena. They both blacked out one night, and woke up in a hospital; apparently they were comatose for 2 years. The frustration of not knowing things was too much to bear, Ien liked having answers, Lena always told him that sometimes the answers were best left to the imagination. That the answers weren't always the answers you wanted. â€Å"Lena?† He whispered. His heart was racing, what was happening? Why was she looking at him with such dreadful eyes? His father's eyes. â€Å"Lena, what did you do?† â€Å"Sometimes the answers aren't always what you want to hear.† She giggled. She started walking towards him, the weak, rotted floorboards beneath her creaking as she moved. He saw a flash of light from her hand, she was holding something. A knife. He heard the drip-drop of blood as it ran off the blade, filling the cracks in the floorboards, slowly getting closer. â€Å"And my name is not Lena. Lena wouldn't hurt a fly. She's so weak. But I'm stronger than Lena. I've seen the things she's gone through, I feel her pain. She's crying inside me. But this time I'll take over, she can't hold me back anymore.† Ien drew a long, shaky breath. He could feel the tears filling his eyes. Who was this monster? Dirtying Lena's hands with the blood of the people she loved the most? He couldn't let Lena be destroyed by this thing that is controlling her mind, but she's getting closer. He was so confused. What did she mean by ‘She won't hold me back anymore'? Were there two Lena's? Before Ien had time to figure everything out, she had the blade at his throat. The cold metal cutting into his skin and making his hair stand on end. She brought her mouth close to his ear, her cold breath chilling him to the bone, she whispered â€Å"And now it's your turn.†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Serving in the Army

She alas about what drives young men and women, to fight in a country on the other side of the world instead of being out partying with their friends. For her own son she thinks the motivation is to be found in the family, and his wish that his younger siblings shall grow up in a more peaceful world. Plain means that, because America is build on the idea that all human beings have a God-given right to be free the American soldiers work for â€Å"a cause bigger than themselves†, when they sacrifice for the military. Therefore she thinks that everybody should support the soldiers, as they work hard to defend the idea of America itself.Tim Sailor, who is the father to former deployed Army Sergeant Ryan Sailor, used to agree with the point of views of Plain and thought that fighting for your country was a patriotic thing to do. But as he expresses in text 2, his opinion has changed drastically after his son has returned from Iraq. Ryan Sailor has suffered from all kind of disorder s after his deployment in Iraq, both physical and mental. He has been diagnosed with P T SD and traumatic brain injury. He has been treated for his EST. in an intensive 65-day group program with other veterans.But although he has now begun to recover, his parents, who encouraged him to join the army in the first place, regret that they ever allowed him to sign up. They do not think that the patriotic aspect in any way makes up for all the problems afterwards. Text 3 is about Nathaniel Pick, who is the author of a book about his time as a Marine Officer. Pick has a very different opinion about what deployment in the army can do for you, than the Sailor family. Pick sees it as a highly positive experience. He joined the army to get adventure and learn about manhood.He thinks being that being a soldier has helped him to understand what words like Serving in the Army – Engel's still duty, honor and love means. In the army he discovered a brotherhood, which means a lot to him, bec ause you it is a very special friendship which is build between men who goes through training and combats together. 2. To engage the reader Sarah Plain describes herself like any other American woman, when she talks about sending her son to war but she also presents herself as the vice-presidential running mate for John McCain, which is use of the appeal form ethos.By focusing on these two aspects she seems like a person with authority but also as a person who it is possibly to relate to. Plain rise to wake a patriotic feeling for America by talking about how America isn't just another country but an exceptional country. † She continues by describing how it is the whole idea of America the deployed are defending. She is very passionate about that everybody should be supporting the soldiers as they live in hellish conditions and she also wakes sympathy for the soldiers by talking about how they have to be away from their families and risk their lives for their country.When talk ing about how her own son, and many other young men and women, join the army to have a chance to do, what they can to make the oral a better place to grow up for their smaller family members instead of being off partying on spring break or working their way up a hedgehopped career ladder she leaves no doubt that that these young people should get all the support they can from the American people and since they are willing make these sacrifices they most feel there is â€Å"a cause bigger than themselves† which they are fighting for.Plain also uses a reference to the old president Ronald Reagan. As he is a much respected former president the use of one of his famous quotations: â€Å"You all knew that some things are worth dying for. , can also help to wake the patriots in the readers and make them more engaged in the cause. 3. There are just as many different reasons to join the army as there are soldiers.Some Of them get their motivation from the simple wish to get an adven ture that can be found nowhere else and learn about manhood as Nathaniel Pick in text 3. He wanted a break from college and joined the army 2 where he found a special brotherhood and protecting his brothers was as big a motivation for him in the combats as fighting for his country was. Others join the army to make money and some are drover by family traditions.Others again have more patriotic reasons to fight for their country, such as the hope of being able to help create a better world and being able to spread the freedom, which is so important to Americans, to other parts of the world, where there is people who have never experienced peace, democracy, freedom Of religion and all the other things We take as a matter Of course. I think that being able to help making a difference for people in a country ravaged by war must be the biggest motivation for many. It must be an amazing feeling to see that what you do actually helps creating peace in the world. Serving in the Army She alas about what drives young men and women, to fight in a country on the other side of the world instead of being out partying with their friends. For her own son she thinks the motivation is to be found in the family, and his wish that his younger siblings shall grow up in a more peaceful world. Plain means that, because America is build on the idea that all human beings have a God-given right to be free the American soldiers work for â€Å"a cause bigger than themselves†, when they sacrifice for the military. Therefore she thinks that everybody should support the soldiers, as they work hard to defend the idea of America itself.Tim Sailor, who is the father to former deployed Army Sergeant Ryan Sailor, used to agree with the point of views of Plain and thought that fighting for your country was a patriotic thing to do. But as he expresses in text 2, his opinion has changed drastically after his son has returned from Iraq. Ryan Sailor has suffered from all kind of disorder s after his deployment in Iraq, both physical and mental. He has been diagnosed with P T SD and traumatic brain injury. He has been treated for his EST. in an intensive 65-day group program with other veterans.But although he has now begun to recover, his parents, who encouraged him to join the army in the first place, regret that they ever allowed him to sign up. They do not think that the patriotic aspect in any way makes up for all the problems afterwards. Text 3 is about Nathaniel Pick, who is the author of a book about his time as a Marine Officer. Pick has a very different opinion about what deployment in the army can do for you, than the Sailor family. Pick sees it as a highly positive experience. He joined the army to get adventure and learn about manhood.He thinks being that being a soldier has helped him to understand what words like Serving in the Army – Engel's still duty, honor and love means. In the army he discovered a brotherhood, which means a lot to him, bec ause you it is a very special friendship which is build between men who goes through training and combats together. 2. To engage the reader Sarah Plain describes herself like any other American woman, when she talks about sending her son to war but she also presents herself as the vice-presidential running mate for John McCain, which is use of the appeal form ethos.By focusing on these two aspects she seems like a person with authority but also as a person who it is possibly to relate to. Plain rise to wake a patriotic feeling for America by talking about how America isn't just another country but an exceptional country. † She continues by describing how it is the whole idea of America the deployed are defending. She is very passionate about that everybody should be supporting the soldiers as they live in hellish conditions and she also wakes sympathy for the soldiers by talking about how they have to be away from their families and risk their lives for their country.When talk ing about how her own son, and many other young men and women, join the army to have a chance to do, what they can to make the oral a better place to grow up for their smaller family members instead of being off partying on spring break or working their way up a hedgehopped career ladder she leaves no doubt that that these young people should get all the support they can from the American people and since they are willing make these sacrifices they most feel there is â€Å"a cause bigger than themselves† which they are fighting for.Plain also uses a reference to the old president Ronald Reagan. As he is a much respected former president the use of one of his famous quotations: â€Å"You all knew that some things are worth dying for. , can also help to wake the patriots in the readers and make them more engaged in the cause. 3. There are just as many different reasons to join the army as there are soldiers.Some Of them get their motivation from the simple wish to get an adven ture that can be found nowhere else and learn about manhood as Nathaniel Pick in text 3. He wanted a break from college and joined the army 2 where he found a special brotherhood and protecting his brothers was as big a motivation for him in the combats as fighting for his country was. Others join the army to make money and some are drover by family traditions.Others again have more patriotic reasons to fight for their country, such as the hope of being able to help create a better world and being able to spread the freedom, which is so important to Americans, to other parts of the world, where there is people who have never experienced peace, democracy, freedom Of religion and all the other things We take as a matter Of course. I think that being able to help making a difference for people in a country ravaged by war must be the biggest motivation for many. It must be an amazing feeling to see that what you do actually helps creating peace in the world.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Raisin in the Sun

McNevin O’GarroJanuary 7, 2013 EnglishPeriod: 9 A Raisin in the Sun Lena, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha are all members of the family named Youngers. The name derives from Walter Senior, Lena’s husband and Walter Jr. and Beantha’s father. He worked tirelessly in construction, to the point where he finally passed away after such a long period hard work. Along with his death although came a pension worth ten thousand dollars toward the family. All the members of the family have dreams that are deferred throughout the story A Raisin in the Sun.Walter Jr. is a chauffeur who drives wealthy white people around for pay. With the pension from his father’s death he was striving to create his own liquor store. The ten thousand dollars that came in a check to the younger’s apartment was his catalyst to start of his business. During the story Walter says â€Å"Damn my eggs†¦damn all the eggs that ever was† in this quote Walter is signifying that all th e dreams he had aren’t being supported by his wife or his mother so he might as well give up on them.Also when the check came and Walter’s partner, Willy Harris, stole seven thousand dollars out of the younger’s possession Walter’s dream was deferred. Lena also known as, Mama, in the younger’s household has a dream of a beautiful garden where she can have multiple different gorgeous flowers, growing around, aside from her single plant that she is nurturing in the apartment with barebones necessities. â€Å"Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home.This plant is close as I ever got to having one. † This quote explains Mama’s dreams towards having a better garden for her to care for her flowers. When the money was stolen, Mama had already put a down payment down on the family’s new home in Clybourne Park. Mama showed a strong powerful disappointment in Walter for not being able to responsibly take care of the family’s money for even a minor period of time. Her dreams toward a luscious garden were deferred right then and there.Ruth, Walter Jr. ’s wife who has wanted to escape from her rat hole of an apartment for many years, but hasn’t’ raised enough funds to ascertain better living arrangements. She works a job as a maid for wealthier lot of people outside of her apartment. The check coming in, Ruth felt that the money should all have been spent on Lena due to it officially being her property to which Walter disagreed since he could use it to start to his liquor store investment.After learning of the loss of the money, Ruth was very saddened to think that she was not going to make it out of the apartment before her newborn child would be born. When Walter finally took pride into his family and accepted the offer from the Clybourne Park representative, Mr. Linder, she expressed how happy she was to finally escape from the ap artment â€Å"All I can say is—if this is my time in life—my time—to say goodbye—to these cracking walls! —and these marching roaches! —and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen! . . then I say it loud and good, Hallelujah! and goodbye misery . . . I don't never want to see your ugly face again! † She personified the apartment as to having an ugly face in which she didn’t want to see again knowing she was moving up to a better place. Beneatha,Walter’s sister, who dreams of getting past the oppressive lifestyle she lives under due to the time period she lives in with oppression on both blacks, and women. Her being both, just set her back double times as much for her dream to become a doctor.With the money from the check Beneatha had a lot of hope of easily being put through her medical schooling year where she would earn her degree, to which she could become a fully realized doctor. When she l earned of the robbery from their family of the ten thousand dollars she felt absolutely dead inside knowing that she would never rise above the oppressive world the existed in. Well – I do – all right? – thank everybody! And forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all! (Pursuing him on her knees across the floor) FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME!Beneatha at one point yells out for which she doesn’t know what to do with her life when all she done is strive but never attain positive results. After all the families troubles, worries, and problems they decide ultimately to move on into their new home in Clybourne Park and experience life there. Although most of the family member’s dreams are deferred they still manage to prosper in life and look ahead rather than back at what was, but instead into the future of opportunities awaiting them at their new community. Raisin in the Sun McNevin O’GarroJanuary 7, 2013 EnglishPeriod: 9 A Raisin in the Sun Lena, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha are all members of the family named Youngers. The name derives from Walter Senior, Lena’s husband and Walter Jr. and Beantha’s father. He worked tirelessly in construction, to the point where he finally passed away after such a long period hard work. Along with his death although came a pension worth ten thousand dollars toward the family. All the members of the family have dreams that are deferred throughout the story A Raisin in the Sun.Walter Jr. is a chauffeur who drives wealthy white people around for pay. With the pension from his father’s death he was striving to create his own liquor store. The ten thousand dollars that came in a check to the younger’s apartment was his catalyst to start of his business. During the story Walter says â€Å"Damn my eggs†¦damn all the eggs that ever was† in this quote Walter is signifying that all th e dreams he had aren’t being supported by his wife or his mother so he might as well give up on them.Also when the check came and Walter’s partner, Willy Harris, stole seven thousand dollars out of the younger’s possession Walter’s dream was deferred. Lena also known as, Mama, in the younger’s household has a dream of a beautiful garden where she can have multiple different gorgeous flowers, growing around, aside from her single plant that she is nurturing in the apartment with barebones necessities. â€Å"Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home.This plant is close as I ever got to having one. † This quote explains Mama’s dreams towards having a better garden for her to care for her flowers. When the money was stolen, Mama had already put a down payment down on the family’s new home in Clybourne Park. Mama showed a strong powerful disappointment in Walter for not being able to responsibly take care of the family’s money for even a minor period of time. Her dreams toward a luscious garden were deferred right then and there.Ruth, Walter Jr. ’s wife who has wanted to escape from her rat hole of an apartment for many years, but hasn’t’ raised enough funds to ascertain better living arrangements. She works a job as a maid for wealthier lot of people outside of her apartment. The check coming in, Ruth felt that the money should all have been spent on Lena due to it officially being her property to which Walter disagreed since he could use it to start to his liquor store investment.After learning of the loss of the money, Ruth was very saddened to think that she was not going to make it out of the apartment before her newborn child would be born. When Walter finally took pride into his family and accepted the offer from the Clybourne Park representative, Mr. Linder, she expressed how happy she was to finally escape from the ap artment â€Å"All I can say is—if this is my time in life—my time—to say goodbye—to these cracking walls! —and these marching roaches! —and this cramped little closet which ain't now or never was no kitchen! . . then I say it loud and good, Hallelujah! and goodbye misery . . . I don't never want to see your ugly face again! † She personified the apartment as to having an ugly face in which she didn’t want to see again knowing she was moving up to a better place. Beneatha,Walter’s sister, who dreams of getting past the oppressive lifestyle she lives under due to the time period she lives in with oppression on both blacks, and women. Her being both, just set her back double times as much for her dream to become a doctor.With the money from the check Beneatha had a lot of hope of easily being put through her medical schooling year where she would earn her degree, to which she could become a fully realized doctor. When she l earned of the robbery from their family of the ten thousand dollars she felt absolutely dead inside knowing that she would never rise above the oppressive world the existed in. Well – I do – all right? – thank everybody! And forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all! (Pursuing him on her knees across the floor) FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME!Beneatha at one point yells out for which she doesn’t know what to do with her life when all she done is strive but never attain positive results. After all the families troubles, worries, and problems they decide ultimately to move on into their new home in Clybourne Park and experience life there. Although most of the family member’s dreams are deferred they still manage to prosper in life and look ahead rather than back at what was, but instead into the future of opportunities awaiting them at their new community.